I am at 20 weeks! Which means yes, I could know by now whether I'm having a boy or girl, but I'm waiting for my husband to come home so we can be there together. Our big appointment is next Monday! I cannot wait. I figured I'd use this week to go over some of the "gender myths" to see if I'm still leaning towards one gender over the other. Plus, it'll be fun to see how accurate the outcome is.
Myth #1: If your legs get bigger, it's a boy. If they stay lean, it's a girl. My legs have gotten a little bit chunky, but not to the point that I need to go up a pant size. I'm still fitting a size 4. All signs point to, GIRL.
Myth #2: If you refuse to eat the ends of bread, you're having a girl. If stumps are all that's left, I'll eat them. BOY.
Myth #3: If you are moody during your pregnancy, you are having a girl. If you are smiley throughout pregnancy, you are having a boy. I'm sure if you ask my husband, he'd say we're having a girl (rude) however, I don't think I've been moody nor overly smiley. I call this a draw.
Myth #4: The Chinese chart shows accuracy based on the date of conception. We were given the due date Sept 12 by our doctor, but when we were referred out to the American sonogram place, they gave us the date Sept 6. Going back to the Chinese chart, if our baby was conceived Dec 5, it's a girl, however if it was conceived Nov 30, it's a boy. Another draw.
Myth #5: If the mother's looks have been drained during pregnancy, it's a girl. If she's been prettier than ever, it's a boy. I went through a stage of frustration because I felt like my skin looked old and tired. I don't think I have that "pregnancy glow" without a good tinted moisturizer and some blush. Props-girl.
Myth #6: If you have a dream about which gender you have, you will have the opposite. Last week, I got really excited about my dream that we had a boy. Winner, Girl.
Myth #7: If the mother has been graceful throughout her pregnancy, she's having a girl. If she's been clumsy, it's a boy. I don't think I've been clumsy at all. GIRL.
Myth #8: If a toddler shows interest in the baby, you're having a girl. If a toddler doesn't show interest, it's a boy. Did I mention my now four-year-old nephew named our baby the Donut Baby and asks about him/her all the time? GIRL.
Myth #9: If the mother tends to lay on her left side, she's having a boy. If she lays more on her right side, it's a girl. Of all my favorite places to lay, I'm usually propped on my right side. Another sign it's a girl.
Myth #10: If the dad gains weight, you're having a girl. If he doesn't, it's a boy. I've also read this the other way, if he gains, it's a boy. Either way, I think it's a draw. My husband will be coming home from training for a month- I'm sure he'll be skinnier than I am. I define this as inapplicable to military husbands.
Myth #11: If the mother's left breast is bigger than her right, she's having a girl. My left is definitely bigger, although I think it always has been? GIRL.
Myth #12: If you place a necklace over your hand and it swings back and forth, it's a boy. If it swings in a circle, it's a girl. I tried this, and although my hand holding the necklace was shaking the more I tried to stay still, it looked like it went back and forth. BOY.
Myth #13: If you had no morning sickness, you're having a boy. If you had morning sickness or nausea, it will be a girl. I maybe had 2 weeks of nausea, but nothing too terrible. Not sure which side this counts as. I'll go with GIRL even though it was brief.
Myth #14: If your areolae darkened during pregnancy, you're having a boy. Nope. GIRL.
Myth #15: If you're craving meat and cheese, it's a boy. Early on, I went through three weeks of cravings. What did I want most? Burgers and fries. BOY.
Myth #16: If the mother's feet got colder during pregnancy, it's a boy. If your feet stayed the same, you're having a girl. I'm sure my husband will tell you that I constantly have icy cold feet. They have remained the same at icy cold. If anything, they may have warmed up a little bit. GIRL.
Myth #17: If you leg hair grows extremely quickly, it's a boy. No need to explain. BOY.
Myth #18: If your hands are very dry, it's a boy. It may have something to do with the fact that's it's been extremely dry outside, but I've been slathering on lotion the past couple weeks nonstop. BOY oh BOY.
Myth #19: If your pee is bright yellow, you're having a boy. If it's dull yellow, it's a girl. I'm not really sure how to respond to this one. I think it depends on my hydration levels. But I must say, when I'm hydrated, my pee does have a neon shine to it. BOY?
Myth #20: If the mothers nose is growing bigger and wider, it's a boy. No thank you, my nose is big enough already. GIRL.
Myth #21: If you've experienced headaches during pregnancy, it's a boy. So grateful that this one points to GIRL.
Myth #22: If the heart rate is over 140, it's a girl. If is lower than 140, it's a boy. This is the main myth I'm basing my inference on. Started at 170 and went down to 160 at the last appt. GIRL.
Myth #23: If you're carrying big and high, it's a girl. If you're carrying low and small, it's a boy. I don't think I'm carrying high or low. I'm not big enough to tell. Since I'm on the small side, I'll say BOY.
Myth #24: When you place a string around your wedding ring and hold it over your pregnant belly, it'll go back and forth if it's a girl and in a circle if it's a boy. This myth I've also read with the opposite results. Not sure which is accurate, but mine moved in a circle.
Myth #25: If the mother's face grows fuller and rounder, it's a girl. If it's long and narrow, it's a boy. I wouldn't say my face is long and narrow, but I haven't gained weight in my face if that's what this means. BOY.
Myth #26: According to Mayan myth, when you add the age of conception with the year of conception, if the answer is an even number, it's a girl. If it's odd, it's a boy. Again, this is another one that I've seen flipped answers to. My number is odd, so take that as you will.
Myth #27: If the mother has acne, it's a girl. GIRL. Ugh..
Myth #28: If you are craving salty and sour foods, it's a boy. If you are craving sweets, fruits, and orange juice, it's a girl. This one is hard. I craved potato chips and fries only for a few weeks at the beginning. I drink a lot of juice and eat a lot of fruit, but that doesn't mean I crave it. I am a sugar addict, and that hasn't changed since before pregnancy. If anything, I'm craving grains. Where does that put me?
Myth #29: If you gain weight out front, it's a boy. If you gain weight in the hips and rear, it's a girl. I definitely grew wider before growing outward. Love handles and badonkadonk indicate GIRL.
Myth #30: If you belly looks like a basketball, it's a boy. If it looks like a watermelon, it's a girl. I think I'm carrying more oblong than round. GIRL.
Some of these concepts seem totally wacky, but it's fun to go through them. Overall, 16 of my answers have indicated that I'm having a girl. 8 say it's a boy and 6 answers can go either way. It'll be interesting to see if I do have a girl. One more week and I will be able to tell which myths were right and which were phony.
If you know any more myths or if my neutral answers point more towards one side than the other, let me know! Also, keep the guesses coming. Only 7 more days :)
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